The One who initiated for you a forest fire, by which you learned to light.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
1. Al-Fãtehah (The Key)
2. Al-Baqarah (The Heifer)
3. Ãli-'Imrãn (The Amramites)
4. Al-Nesã' (Women)
5. Al-Mã'edah (The Feast)
6. Al-An'ãm (Livestock)
7. Al-A'arãf (The Purgatory)
8. Al-Anfãl (The Spoils of War)
9. Barã'ah (Ultimatum)
10. Younus (Jonah)
11. Hûd (Hood)
12. Yousuf (Joseph)
13. Al-Ra'ad (Thunder)
14. Ibrahîm (Abraham)
15. Al-Hijr (Al-Hijr Valley)
16. Al-Nahl (The Bee)
17. Banî Israel (The Children Of Israel)
18. Al-Kahf (The Cave)
19. Maryam (Mary)
20. Tã Hã (T.H.)
21. Al-Anbyã' (The Prophets)
22. Al-Hajj (Pilgrimage)
23. Al-Mu'minûn (The Believers)
24. Al-Noor (Light)
25. Al-Furqãn (The Statute Book)
26. Al-Shu'arã' (The Poets)
27. Al-Naml (The Ant)
28. Al-Qasas (History)
29. Al-'Ankaboot (The Spider)
30. Al-Room (The Romans)
31. Luqmãn (Luqmaan)
32. Al-Sajdah (Proxstration)
33. Al-Ahzãb (The Parties)
34. Saba' (Sheba)
35. Faater (Initiator)
36. Yã Sîn (Y.S.)
37. Al-Sãffãt (The Arrangers)
38. Saad (S.)
39. Al-Zumar (The Throngs)
40. Ghãfer (Forgiver)
41. Fussilat (Detailed)
42. Al-Shoorã (Consultation)
43. Al-Zukhruf (Ornaments)
44. Al-Dukhãn (Smoke)
45. Al-Jãtheyah (Kneeling)
46. Al-Ahqãf (The Dunes)
47. Muhammad (Muhammad)
48. Al-Fatt-h (Victory)
49. Al-Hujurãt (The Walls)
50. Qãf (Q.)
51. Al-Dhãreyãt (Drivers of the Winds)
52. Al-Toor (Mount Sinai)
53. Al-Najm (The Stars)
54. Al-Qamar (The Moon)
55. Al-Rahmaan (Most gracious)
56. Al-Waaqe'ah (The Inevitable)
57. Al-Hadeed (Iron)
58. Al-Mujaadalah (The Debate)
59. Al-Hashr (Exodus)
60. Al-Mumtahanah (The Test)
61. Al-Suff (The Column)
62. Al-Jumu'ah (Friday)
63. Al-Munaafeqoon (The Hypocrites)
64. Al-Taghaabun (Mutual Blaming)
65. Al-Talaaq (Divorce)
66. Al-Tahreem (Prohibition)
67. Al-Mulk (Kingship)
68. Al-Qalam (The Pen)
69. Al-Haaqqah (Incontestable)
70. Al-Ma'aarej (The Heights)
71. Noah (Noah)
72. Al-Jinn (Jinns)
73. Al-Muzammil (Cloaked)
74. Al-Muddath-thir (The Hidden Secret)
75. Al-Qeyaamah (Resurrection)
76. Al-Insaan (The Human)
77. Al-Mursalaat (Dispatched)
78. Al-Naba' (The Event)
79. Al-Naaze'aat (The Snatchers)
80. 'Abasa (He Frowned)
81. Al-Takweer (The Rolling)
82. Al-Infitaar (The Shattering)
83. Al-Mutaffifeen (The Cehaters)
84. Al-Inshiqaaq (The Rupture)
85. Al-Burooj (The Galaxies)
86. Al-Taareq (The Bright Star)
87. Al-A'alaa (The Most High)
88. Al-Ghaasheyah (Overwhelming)
89. Al-Fajr (Dawn)
90. Al-Balad (The Town)
91. Al-Shams (The Sun)
92. Al-Layl (The Night)
93. Al-Duhaa (The Forenoon)
94. Al-Sharrhh (Cooling the Temper)
95. Al-Teen (The Fig)
96. Al-'Alaq (The Embryo)
97. Al-Qadr (Destiny)
98. Al-Bayyinah (Proof)
99. Al-Zalzalah (The Quake)
100. Al-'Aadeyaat (The Gallopers)
101. Al-Qaare'ah (The Shocker)
102. Al-Takaathur (Hoarding)
103. Al-'Asr (The Afternoon)
104. Al-Humazah (The Backbiter)
105. Al-Feel (The Elephant)
106. Quraish (Quraish Tribe)
107. Al-Maa'oon (Charity)
108. Al-Kawthar (Bounty)
109. Al-Kaaferoon (The Disbelievers)
110. Al-Nassr (Triumph)
111. Al-Masad (Thorns)
112. Al-Ikhlaas (Absoluteness)
113. Al-Falaq (Daybreak)
114. Al-Naas (People)
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Translator's Introduction
1. Some Key Words and Concepts
2. The Holly Viruses of the Brain
3. On It Is Nineteen
4. Which One Do You See: Hell Or Miracle?
5. Manifesto For Islamic Reform
6. Why Trash All Hadiths As Secondary Authority Besides Quran?
7. A Forsaken God?
8. Eternal Hell and Merciful God?
9. No Contradiction in the Quran
10. How Can we Observe the Sala Prayers by Following the Quran Alone?
11. The Blind Watch-Watchers or Smell The Cheese
The Monotheist Group
A. Methodology For This Translation
B. The Qur'an Initials
C. How to study Quran?
Muhammad Asad
Appendix 1: Symbolism and Allegory In The Qur'an
Appendix 2: Al-Muqatta'at
Appendix 3: On The Term And Concept Of Jinn
Appendix 4: The Night Journey
Rashad Khalifa
1. "One Of The Great Miracles"
2. God's Messenger of the Covenant
3. "We made the Quran Easy"
4. Why Was the Quran Revealed in Arabic?
5. Heaven and Hell
6. Greatness of God
7. Why Were We Created?
8. The Myth of Intercession
9. Abraham: Original Messenger of Islam
10. God's Usage of the Plural Tense
11. The Day of Resurrection
12. Role of the Prophet Muhammad
13. The First Pillar of Islam
14. Predestination
15: Religious Duties : A Gift From God
16. Dietary Prohibitions
17. Death
18. Quran: All You Need for Salvation
19. Hadith and Sunna: Satanic Innovations
20. Quran: Unlike Any Book
21. Satan: The fallen Angel
22. Jesus
23. Chronological Sequence of Revelations
24. Tampering With the Word of God
25. End of the World
26. The Three Messengers of Islam
27. Who Is Your God?
28. Muhammad Wrote God's Revelations With His Own Hand
29. The Missing Basmalah
30. Polygamy
31. Evolution: Divinely Controlled
32. The Crucial Age of 40
33. Why Did God Send A messenger Now?
34. Virginity
35. Drugs & Alcohol
36. What Price A Great Nation
37. Criminal Justice
38. 19: The Creator's Signature
Shabbir Ahmed
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